97 Percent of ACCESS Academy Applicants Accepted to St. Louis College Prep High Schools
Urban Middle School Program Supporting More Than 300 students
in Middle School and High School
ST. LOUIS – The mission of ACCESS Academies to elevate the education of impoverished middle school children in St. Louis has achieved another milestone. A total of 38 ACCESS graduates applied to St. Louis college prep high schools with 97 percent earning letters of acceptance. Since its founding in 2005, the ACCESS program has propelled 96 percent of its graduates or more than 400 students to college prep high schools.
This year, ACCESS will graduate 42 students from middle school programs in three urban St. Louis Archdiocesan schools. They include Most Holy Trinity Academy at 1435 Mallinckrodt St. in North St. Louis, St. Cecilia Academy at 906 Eichelberger in South St. Louis, and St. Louis the King School at the Cathedral at 4430 Maryland Avenue in the Central West End.
“We’re extremely proud of our graduates who will form the high school class of 2017,” said Blake Youde, executive director of ACCESS. “Through their hard work, the dedication of their families and school staff, all of our graduates are well prepared to realize their full potential with a high school education. As we have done in the past, ACCESS will provide tuition scholarships to each student while in high school. Our graduate support directors will be working with students on obtaining financial aid and assisting in other ways to ensure a successful graduation from high school and acceptance to college.â€
The ACCESS graduate support program assisted students through the competitive high school application process. Among the St. Louis college-prep high schools that sent letters of acceptance for the 2013-2014 school year to ACCESS graduates are:
More than 75 ACCESS graduates from high school have been accepted to college – an 80 percent success rate for all its college applicants. Most of them are the first generation in their family to have an opportunity to attend college.
Focusing on low-income students, ACCESS Academies makes a seven-year commitment to students beginning in the 6th grade. Its rigorous academic program includes an extended school day, extended school year and a demanding curriculum. The ACCESS graduate support program provides tutoring, counseling and high school scholarships to ensure students complete high school and move on to college. Currently, more than 300 students are being supported by ACCESS Academies, including 189 graduates in high school and 115 students in middle school.
To date, ACCESS has served more than 560 students. Ninety-six percent of its graduates have been accepted to college-prep high schools and 92 percent have graduated on time. For more information, visit www.accessacademies.org.