ACCESS Graduate to Participate in the HCC STL Foundation’s Hispanic Leadership Institute
ACCESS would like to congratulate Jennifer Carrillo for earning the opportunity to participate in the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis (HCC STL) Foundation’s Hispanic Leadership Institute.
Sponsored by the Centene Corporation, the HCC STL Foundation’s Hispanic Leadership Institute is a skills-based leadership training program. HLI will consist of nine training sessions conducted once a month which will focus on a particular skill set for the developing leader. The Institute will train this group of Hispanic professionals on for-profit and non-profit management skills and network development within the St. Louis business community. In addition to leadership training, participants will be encouraged to give back to the St. Louis region through community involvement.
One of 15 participants of Class V, Carillo currently works at St. Francis Community Services South, which strives to be a catalyst for change by helping people overcome poverty and work toward a better life. This includes, but is not limited to legal aid, refugee resettlement, homeless services, youth programs, meals for older adults, bilingual mental health counseling, case management and more. She graduated in 2015 with her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from St. Louis University.
The HCC STL Foundation will kick-off the Hispanic Leadership Institute on October 9, 2015. For more information, please visit