Father Christopher Collins, SJ, Assistant Professor of Theological Studies and Assistant to the President for Mission and Identity at St. Louis University, has joined the ACCESS Academies Board of Directors. He assumed the role August 1st.
“It is an honor to welcome Father Collins to our board,” said Betsy Liberatore, Executive Director of ACCESS Academies.
“His expertise in academia as well as in faith and social issues inspires and motivates us to push further into our community and broaden our efforts as an organization,” she adds.
A member of the Peace and Justice Commission, Father Collins also is working to address societal issues such as poverty, racial tension and the lack of educational opportunities from a Catholic perspective.
Previously, Father Collins served as SLU’s Director of Catholic Studies and co-coordinator of the committee that established the Billiken Teacher Corps, a program allowing graduate students to earn a master’s degree while serving as teachers in Metro area Catholic schools.
We would also like to note that Father Collins is a published author, whose latest book, “Three Moments of the Day: Praying with the Heart of Jesus” helps form simple, yet profound prayer habits.
He will be leading a day of prayer and reflection on Saturday, Sept. 12, 9am-2pm, at the Cardinal Rigali Center, 20 Archbishop May Drive.
Cost is $20. For more information, please call (314)792-7250.