Damen Alexander, an ACCESS alumnus, will be serving on the plenary panel, “Gun Violence and the Catholic Church: What Our Faith Teaches Us and How Do We Respond,” during the 2nd Annual Sister Antona Ebo Social Justice Conference. The conference, sponsored by the Peace & Justice Commission – Archdiocese of St Louis, the Catholic Youth Apostolate of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Archdiocesan Council of St. Louis, will be held September 15th at St. Louis University High School.
Damen, who graduated from Most Holy Trinity School & Academy and St. Louis University High School, is an organizer for March for Our Lives St Louis and pursuing his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Government at Saint Louis University.
Also attending will be ACCESS Board members, Marie Kenyon, the Director of the Peace and Justice Commission, and Fr. Chris Collins, SJ, Assistant to the President for Mission and Identity at Saint Louis University, who will lead the closing prayer and call to action.