ACCESS Academies Thanks Educators for Contributions
Today, Tuesday, May 7, is the official National Teacher Day for 2013, and ACCESS Academies would like to take a moment to thank faculty and staff at all St. Louis NativityMiguel schools for their continued dedication in educating our students.
The St. Louis NativityMiguel model of education is a robust curriculum that requires an extended school day and school year for teachers as well as students. Daily, teachers must develop daily lessons that are meet the state and federal grade level expectations, but also individualized to meet each child’s learning pace and adaptable to each child’s learning style. This is quite a challenge giving the unique needs of the student population served. However, our teachers and schools support a nurturing environment by addressing social, emotional, moral, and spiritual needs of each student.
Gratitude is often felt, but rarely expressed, which is why it is important to take a moment today and just say “Thank You” to our educators.