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3500 Lindell Boulevard
Fitzgerald Hall, Room 200
St. Louis, MO 63103



St. Louis Review: Never-give-up attitude


ACCESS Students Shine at 2nd Annual Jamboree!

ACCESS Students Shine at the 2nd annual Clavius Project Jamboree!

The Clavius Project at St. Louis University High trains, mentors and inspires urban middle school students in STEM-related areas (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The 2nd annual Clavius Project Jamboree featured a robotics competition among 250 students from 22 area middle schools and exciting demonstrations from 4 high schools and 1 college.

For a video featuring MHT’s candy sweep by SLUH president, David Laughlin, please click here.


Student Spotlight

Student Spotlight: Mary L.

We are excited to recognize Mary L. for our ACCESS Academies Student Spotlight program!  According to her teachers, Mary “makes decisions with her heart and leads by a great example. She’s an outstanding student and hard worker.”

Grade: 7th grade (a student at SLK since third grade!)

Current Homeroom Teacher: Ms. Staten

Favorite Subject: Mathematics. “It challenges me sometimes, but for the most part it is easy.”

Current Academy Electives: Me to You, Robotics, Media Literacy, Design, and 4H

Favorite Academy Elective: Robotics “I have done it a lot. 4th grade, 6th grade, and now.

Hobbies: Wii

Future Career Aspirations: “I have thought about becoming a teacher. It fits my interests and all of the teachers I have had have been good.”

Role Model and Why: Ms. Lay, she tough but fair.

Fondest Memory of School (So Far): “In 5th grade I participated in a whole-school trivia quiz in the school cafeteria. My team won so we had pizza for lunch.”


ACCESS Graduate Awarded Justice Award

ACCESS Graduate Awarded the Archdiocesan Martin Luther King, Jr. Model of Justice Award

Vivian G., an ACCESS graduate from St. Cecilia School & Academy, has been awarded the Archdiocesan Martin Luther King, Jr. Model of Justice Award!

This award is presented to high school students who have demonstrated, through their attitude and their work, a commitment to serving humanity in the broader community. These students have made justice a central part of their lives, and have committed themselves “to the noble struggle for equal rights.”

Graduate Success

Graduate Success: Jasia D.

Having a strong educational foundation is the key to being successful in college and in life.  My parents, along with ACCESS, provided me the opportunity to get ahead of the game starting in middle school.

I graduated from ACCESS in 2010, and I can remember the long hours the curriculum required. Going to school from 8am-5pm was new for me, but after my sixth grade year I realized the advantages outweighed the negatives. The extended day gave me an opportunity to complete my homework at school and have access to teachers and tutors if I needed extra help.  In addition, I was also engaged in extracurricular activities with my classmates, sparking a love for basketball and team sports, while developing a healthy and fit way of life.  Finally, and most importantly, I was able to give back to my community on Saturday mornings, which inspired a life long commitment to social justice, giving back and serving the less fortunate.

With the academic and financial support of ACCESS, I was able to attend the high school of my choice, Villa Duchesne. The education and leadership skills I learned through ACCESS helped me thrive at Villa, and now at the University of Miami (UM). I am a currently a junior majoring in Biomedical Engineering.  Being a part of ACCESS, helped me manage my time at an early age, which is a vital skill for the college world. I am heavily involved on campus, serving as a Student Assistant in the College of Engineering Dean’s Office; Treasurer on the National Society of Black Engineers e-board; Engineer Student Ambassador; and of course balancing my academics overall. This was not always easy, but with the encouragement and pep talks from my Graduate Support Director, Joslyn Sandford, I was able to find the resources needed for success and regained focus and balance to college life.

In the future I plan to get my master’s degree in either engineering or prosthetics and maybe obtain my doctorate.  My ultimate goal and desire is to create and build prosthetics for those who are in need in hopes of improving their quality of life.  I am able to dream and reach higher heights because of the doors the ACCESS program has opened for me!  I will forever be grateful for the academic, social and financial support services I have received and continue to receive to date!


Jasia Dickerson

Student Spotlight

Student Spotlight: Jamari G.

We are excited to recognize Jamari G. for our ACCESS Academies Student Spotlight program!
