Father Richard Creason Honored with the Robert O. Kortkamp Humanitarian Award
Father Creason, pastor at Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church in north St. Louis and ACCESS Academies board member, has been presented the Kortkamp Humanitarian Award by the Missouri Alliance for Retired Americans.
Creason, who “always offers a hard-hitting, pro-labor homily at the annual Robert O. Kortkamp Memorial Union Labor Mass at the Shrine of St. Joseph north of downtown,” was presented the award by Tom Hadican, a long-time friend.
“Father Creason has brought peace, hope, love and joy to every community he’s served, and he’s been successful,” Hadican said. “He’s also been instrumental in delivering working families justice, dignity and fairness in the workforce.”
Father Creason said he was truly humbled to receive the award.
“The whole act of building a community is the work of the faith and labor movement, and the connection that the church and labor has had for years is precious,” Father Creason said. “It’s an honor to stand before working men and women of labor and share God’s words.”
Father Creason accepted the honor during an awards ceremony at Christy’s Banquet Center on June 11.