The ACCESS Academies “Give Back” work-study program provides part-time jobs for ACCESS graduates attending private high schools or colleges/universities. Work study participants tutor ACCESS Academies middle school students one-on-one or in small groups after school, and assists with the extended day programs, with the money earned supporting their tuition.
“Give Back” participants learned how to handle greater responsibilities, and developed enhanced communication skills, cultivated individual leadership skills, and managed their time more efficiently. They also expressed more confidence in their academics and willingness to seek out advice and help from teachers, counselors, and other school officials. More importantly though, they learned the values taught by being a part of a community. They became mentors and role models to the middle school students because they came from similar backgrounds and could personally relate to the younger students’ struggles.
At the middle school level, teachers noted that students greatly benefited from the program, and exhibited an improved sense of school community, a renewed sense of academic purpose, increased social and communications skills, more accountability, and better academic performance.
During the 2016-17 school year, 46 participants logged 4,518 hours working with our 153 middle school students. Because of the success of this program, the St. Louis Review published an article titled “Never-give-up attitude prevails at Most Holy Trinity Academy,” which highlighted the benefits of the program.